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Friday, February 21
Fri, Feb 21, 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Regency D
Pipeline and Parallel Computing Using R

Data Delivery: From Paper to Pipeline Using R (303983)

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*Danielle Beaulieu, Origent Data Sciences 

Keywords: R, R markdown, AWS Lambda, R Shiny, data delivery, analysis reports, application programming interface, interactive web application, R package deployment

In this talk I'd like to walk through three different methods of data and analysis delivery using R and share learnings from a data scientist's path towards reproducibility and continuous learning. The three methods that will be discussed are data and analysis delivery through: 1.) A static report using R markdown, 2.) An R package deployment to an API endpoint using AWS Lambda, 3.) An interactive web application using R shiny. I will walk through code examples and demos for each delivery method, based on my experiences of delivering data and analyses related to disease progression modeling to audiences of clinicians, academic researchers, pharma executives, as well as other statisticians, and highlight the key features and possible use cases for each. Additionally, I will share key learnings from our journey through each data delivery method and potential next steps for even more optimization and automation in the delivery of data and analyses using R!