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Friday, February 21
Fri, Feb 21, 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM
Regency D
Pipeline and Parallel Computing Using R

Embarrassingly Parallel R: Getting Started with Parallelization in R (303958)

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*Jonathan Kane Storey, Mississippi State University Institute for Systems Engineering Research 

Keywords: R, programming, parallel

Modern computers are equipped with processors that have multiple cores allowing them to perform computations simultaneously. However, when normally executing code in R, no use is made of these multiple cores, with R running the code on a single core. Fortunately, R contains several libraries, namely parallel, that allow a programmer to easily make use of the multiple cores on their computer to simultaneously perform calculations.

This presentation will provide an introduction to parallelization in R using the library parallel. Additionally, examples will be provided illustrating how parallelization can be easily implemented for some statistical techniques.