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Friday, February 15
Fri, Feb 15, 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
St. Charles
Keynote Address

What Is Data Science? (303924)

*Hadley Wickham, RStudio 

In this talk, I'll introduce you to the tidyverse: a collection of R packages designed to support data science. Along the way, you'll learn about my personal definition of data science, and the tools that you need master to become adept at it. I think programming is a key part of data science, so I'll show you a little R code, but you don't need to be familiar with R already: I strongly believe that code is a medium of communication, so with a few minutes training, you'll be able to understand the data science code that I'll demonstrate. I'll also talk about my personal career journey, and give you a few suggestions for how to be impactful in your career.