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Friday, February 15
Fri, Feb 15, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Panel on Ethics in Data Science and Statistics

Panel on Ethics in Data Science and Statistics (303729)

*David J. Corliss, Peace-Work 
*Juan Lavista Ferres, Microsoft 
*Mary Gray, American University 

Judgments based on algorithms have become increasingly problematic with the complexities introduced by sophisticated techniques from statistical machine learning and data science. Algorithm-based decisions being made in criminal justice, employment, education, insurance, politics, health and more have been around for some time. However, recent developments concerning the work of Cambridge Analytica and others have highlighted concerns. Not only are data being used that have been thought to enjoy privacy protections, but if the algorithms themselves are patented or proprietary, there is no recourse for those who may be adversely affected by the use of impermissible data and factors. This panel session will have three panelists. Mary Gray from American University will speak on the ubiquity and risk of algorithms. She will address legal and ethical issues and matters of public policy arising from the broad use of algorithms in decision making. Our second panelist is David Corliss. David is the author of the popular AMSTAT News column Stats for Good. He will discuss ethics in the context of international relations and the importance of giving back to the community. Our final panelist is Juan Lavista Ferres, who is a Senior Data Scientist from Microsoft. He will give us the perspective on ethics from an industry leader.