How to Participate

Submit a Short Course and Tutorial Proposal – Deadline May 10, 2018   –  [CLOSED]

Do you have a full-day short course, half-day short course, or two-hour tutorial you would like to teach at the 2019 Conference on Statistical Practice? Proposals must be submitted by May 10, 2018, and should touch on one of the following four broad themes:

  • Communication, Collaboration, and Career Development
  • Data Modeling and Analysis
  • Data Science and Big Data
  • Software, Programming, and Data Visualization
Submit a Concurrent Session Abstract – Deadline June 21, 2018   –  [CLOSED]

Abstracts are being accepted from May 17 until June 21, 2018, for a limited number of concurrent session presentations. Each presentation will be for 35 minutes and focus on any one of the conference themes:

  • Communication, Collaboration, and Career Development
  • Data Modeling and Analysis
  • Data Science and Big Data
  • Software, Programming, and Data Visualization
Submit a Poster Abstract – Deadline August 30, 2018   –  [CLOSED]

Would you like to share your experience as a statistical practitioner solving real-world problems? If so, an electronic poster presentation is a great way to have an extended face-to-face discussion. A poster presentation also serves as an excellent teaching tool, allowing for direct and immediate feedback; broad exposure; and the ability to display extensive graphics, tables, and animations.

We are calling for electronic posters that provide opportunities for attendees to learn about practical applications of statistical methodologies and best practices in one of the four themes of the conference:

  • Communication, Collaboration, and Career Development
  • Data Modeling and Analysis
  • Data Science and Big Data
  • Software, Programming, and Data Visualization

The posters should be consistent with the conference objectives:

  • Learning statistical techniques that apply to your job as an applied statistician
  • Learning how to better communicate with customers and clients
  • Learning how to have a positive impact on your organization

Poster abstract submissions will be reviewed and competitively evaluated on the above objectives as well as their ability to communicate established methods and techniques applicable to solving real-world problems in statistical practice. The topic should be relevant and practical for a variety of statistical practitioners. Final acceptance of poster submissions will be communicated by September 28.

All submissions should include a title, author information, and abstract text (between 800 and 1,200 characters). Presenters are required to host their electronic posters during their assigned 75- to 90-minute session. Single-slide posters with hyperlinks to graphics or background information are preferred; if a multiple-slide poster is used, it is recommended that no more than four slides be included. Presenters should also have a one-minute “elevator pitch” prepared to orally present and summarize their material. For more information about the poster format, see Poster Presentation Tips.

This year, as in previous years, there will be a Best Student Poster Award. All student posters presented at the CSP2019 conference will be evaluated by a panel of at least four judges at the conference. The judges will evaluate each student poster on the topic, methods used, and presentation of the material visually and orally.

The Best Student Poster Award winner will be announced at the closing general session (4:15 p.m. Saturday) and reported by the ASA on Facebook and Twitter and in Amstat News. The winner will be given a certificate from the ASA and a one-year student membership. (If the winner is not there, the certificate will be mailed.

Chair a Session – Deadline October 25, 2018   –  [CLOSED]

Information for Session Chairs

As a session chair, we ask you to do the following:

  1. Review presentations for length and visibility and discuss concerns with the ambassador from the steering committee.
  2. Encourage speakers to upload their presentations in advance.
  3. Check the program and serve as the main contact for the session with ASA staff in case any changes need to be made (e.g., reordering of speakers within session, withdrawing a speaker, etc.).
  4. Ensure speakers are on time and present for the session.
  5. Introduce the speakers at the beginning of the session.
  6. Make sure each speaker begins/ends at the time allotted.
  7. Facilitate Q&A discussion after each presentation, including preparing questions in advance to spark discussion.
  8. Encourage attendees to fill out the online evaluation form.

Key Dates


  • September 28, 2018
    Early Registration and Housing Opens
  • January 10, 2019
    Early Registration Deadline
  • January 11, 2019
    Regular Registration (increased fees apply)
  • January 12, 2019
    Housing Deadline
  • February 14, 2019 – February 16, 2019
    CSP in New Orleans, LA
  • Program Participants

  • April 5, 2018 – May 10, 2018
    Short Course and Tutorial Proposal Submission
  • May 17, 2018 – June 21, 2018
    Concurrent Abstract Submission
  • July 12, 2018 – August 30, 2018
    Poster Abstract Submission
  • November 15, 2018
    Speaker Registration Deadline