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Saturday, February 17
CS22 Small Sample Sizes and Non-Probability Sampling Sat, Feb 17, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Salons BC

Non-Probability Sampling: Wave of the Future in Survey Research? (303517)

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*Karol Krotki, RTI 

Keywords: non-probability sampling, weight adjustment, sampling bias

Probability samples are becoming increasingly complex, expensive, and subject to low respondent cooperation rates. As a result, practitioners are turning to non-probability samples based on social networks, online opt-in panels, and other forms of non-traditional frames. This presentation will discuss the various non-probability sample frames that are currently being used and how the results compare with results from traditional probability samples. The presentation will also discuss the various strategies that are being used to measure the quality of estimates based on non-probability samples. Examples will be provided from the RICS (Redirected Inbound Calling Sample), a recently developed non-probability data collection tool which has been used to implement a wide variety of surveys.