Friday, February 24
CS01 Presentation and Storytelling Fri, Feb 24, 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM
River Terrace 2

Statistical Presentation Power: How to Reveal Your 'X Factor'!!! (303381)

*Jennifer H Van Mullekom, Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis (LISA), Virginia Tech 

Keywords: Presentation, Communication

We've all been to multiple presentations where we were on the edge of our seat, completely enthralled by each speaker for the duration. Chances are those speakers had different styles. Some may have been enthusiastic and dynamic while others were soft and sincere. Do they have that "X Factor", that something special that makes them a star? Maybe, maybe not. Most likely, they were eXtra prepared, paid eXtra attention to their material design, and practiced a few eXtra times. That is all typical advice for presenters: plan your talk, prepare good materials, practice your delivery. But how do you actually do this? This talk will provide you with process steps, tools and techniques that you can start using immediately to improve your next presentation. Highlights include the Five Steps in Developing the Story of Your Facts, the Presentation Canvas, Slide Design Makeover Examples, How to Let Your Personality Shine Through, and many more. These tips were compiled by statistical practitioners for statistical practitioners from sources aimed at conceptual communication in the modern world. Both novice and experienced presenters alike will learn something new. Attend and apply what you learn! Make your next presentation eXtraordinary!