Online Program

Panel Discussion: Career Development
*Martha Gardner, GE 
*Brian Allen Harris-Kojetin, U.S. Office of Management and Budget 
*Stephanie Palermo, Capital One 

Keywords: career, growth

Many individuals with degrees in statistics enter jobs that do not have the title of “statistician"; others may have that title, but hold a degree in another disciple. Regardless, in many organizations the numbers of statistical practitioners may be few, potentially limiting career growth. Statisticians in these circumstances will need to exercise much more tenacity and creativity in navigating a career path than those in organizations where statistical work is a core focus. Our panel of distinguished professionals will share experiences and frustrations encountered while developing their careers in statistics. They will also answer your questions regarding how you may have an active role in developing your own career, whether you are one of many, one of the only, or the only statistician on the bench.