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Thursday, September 22
Thu, Sep 22, 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM
Salon AB
Innovative Methods in Safety Assessments and Data Visualizations

Advanced Novel Visual Analytics of Drug Safety Data, Tools, and Resources (304745)

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*Melvin Slaighter Munsaka, AbbVie 

Keywords: Visual Analytics

Drug safety data from both pre- and post-marketing sources present challenges in several dimensions including, curation, analysis, interpretation, and reporting. Safety outcomes tend to have high variability and are multidimensional in nature and interrelated. Tabular outputs are widely recognized as challenging in identifying and characterizing potential safety issues. Using visualization presents an alternative and/or addition to tabular outputs in exploration, assessment, and reporting of drug safety data and allows for conveying multiple pieces of information concisely and effectively relative to tabular output alone. Of note, the use of advanced and novel visual analytics that facilitates blending of visualization with statistical and data mining techniques with various degrees of complexity allows creation of visualization modalities that can help stakeholders make sense of drug safety data, with emphasis on how to complement computation and visualization for effective and insightful analyses. In this discussion, we will present some advanced and novel visual analytics approaches that combine graphics and quantitative methods in the analysis of drug safety data and some open-source tools and resources than can be leveraged.