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Wednesday, September 21
Wed, Sep 21, 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM
Salon AB
Natural History Studies and Real-World Data in Rare Disease Clinical Development

Incorporate External Data in New Trial Design and Analysis (303738)

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*Lanju Zhang, Vertex Pharmaceuticals 

Keywords: External data, Bayesian, Prior, Propensity Score

Many clinical trials are designed with plenty of external control data available. To reduce the ever-increasing cost and timeline of the clinical drug development, external control data can be incorporated in clinical trial design and analyses. Two methods are discussed. The first method is to incorporate summary level information into the new trial through a Bayesian framework. Bayesian methods include power prior approach, commensurate prior approach and mixture prior approach. In this presentation, we will discuss a newly proposed statistical approach which combines elements of the three approaches mentioned above but admits a closed-form formula for easy implementation. The second method is to incorporate subject level external data through propensity score methods. In this presentation, we will share our experiences of using propensity score matching to create a synthetic control arm. We will demonstrate these approaches with case studies and share our interaction experiences with regulatory agencies.