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Thursday, September 22
Thu, Sep 22, 1:30 PM - 2:45 PM
Salon H
Group Sequential Designs: A Historical Review

Monitoring a Primary and Secondary Endpoint (303693)

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Dean Follmann, NIH/NIAID 
*Michael Proschan, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH 

Keywords: Alpha spending functions, boundaries, group sequential monitoring, primary and secondary endpoints, type 1 error rate inflation

It is well-known that repeated monitoring of a clinical trial with no adjustment for multiple comparisons inflates the type 1 error substantially. It has also been shown that using group sequential monitoring for a primary endpoint and then spending full level alpha on a secondary endpoint at the time the primary endpoint crosses its boundary inflates the type 1 error rate. This talk reviews and unites these seemingly different topics and shows that the maximum inflation of error rate is actually identical in the two settings.