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Wednesday, September 21
Wed, Sep 21, 4:15 PM - 5:30 PM
Salon D
Machine Learning for Estimating Average and Individual Treatment Effect in Real-World Data

Evaluation of Different Analytic Strategies for Estimating Optimal Treatment Regimens for Time-to-Event Outcomes in Observational Data (303683)

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Douglas Faries, Eli Lilly and Company 
Zbigniew Kadziola, Eli Lilly and Company 
*Ilya Lipkovich, Eli LIlly and Company 
Duzhe Wang, Eli Lilly and Company 

Keywords: Causal inference, Individualized treatment regimen, RMST, Personalized medicine

In this presentation we provide an overview and evaluation of machine learning methods for estimating individualized treatment regimens (ITR) for time-to-event outcomes maximizing restricted mean survival time (RMST) in observational studies with non-randomized treatment assignment. We present extensive simulation studies that closely mimicked real-world data under a set of scenarios representing different degrees of alignment between the observed regimen, which reflects the actual prescribing practice, and the optimal ITR. The simulation results include performance characteristics of the candidate methods in terms of their ability to recover the true optimal ITR and various empirical measures of RMST gain based on the comparison between the estimated ITR and the actual prescribing practice.