Conference Program

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All Times EDT

Wednesday, September 21
Wed, Sep 21, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Various Rooms
Roundtable Discussions

RL02: Jointly Assessing the Overall Treatment Effects Across Multiple Timepoints by a Global Test in the Paradigm of Longitudinal Analysis (303568)

*Hong Li, Takeda 

Keywords: joint global test, longitudinal analysis, mixed model of repeated measures, generalized linear mixed model, clinical trial

The clinical hypothesis of a clinical trial usually directs attention to assess efficacy endpoints solely at one specific timepoint of interest. To fully evaluate the relative benefits of investigating therapies or establish optimal treatment options, it would be of special interest to address the arising clinical question in regard to the overall treatment effects across multiple timepoints during the follow-up. The aggregated over-time evaluation will provide supportive scientific information for investigators to strategize the critical decision making of drug development such as dose selection, bench marking an active control etc. To address the overall efficacy across multiple visits, we propose a global test in the paradigm of longitudinal data analysis to jointly assess treatment effects at multiple timepoints. The global test can be implemented in the framework of Mixed Model of Repeated Measures (MMRM) and Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) using the SAS PROC MIXED/GLMMIX/GENMOD procedure. This work aims to shed light on the comparison of the overall profile of treatment effects over time, to inform a robust precision medication evaluation, and to further guide critical decision making in drug development.