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Friday, September 24
Fri, Sep 24, 2:15 PM - 3:30 PM
Recent Development in the Evaluation of COVID-19 Vaccines, Treatments & Tests

Statistical Aspects of COVID-19 Vaccines: The Past and The Future (303551)

*Dean Follmann, NIH/NIAID 

COVID-19 vaccines were developed at an amazing pace which required fast decisions about statistical approaches to design and analysis. While amazingly high efficacy has been demonstrated for multiple vaccine platforms, new questions continue to emerge. In this talk we provide a brief background on the US government supported COVID-19 vaccine trials followed by a summary of some past and emerging statistical issues. Topics include how to assess the durability of vaccine efficacy after the placebo group is vaccinated, the role of the vaccine on proxies for transmission, delineating the role of time-varying immune response on disease risk, and the latest wild card of new viral variants.