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Thursday, October 3
Thu, Oct 3, 2:45 PM - 4:15 PM
Evergreen B
Concurrent Session - Leading the Way

Leading Change in Data and Statistics: The Journey to Modernization of the US Equal Opportunity Commission’s Employer Information EEO-1 Survey (306463)

*Rashida Dorsey, EEOC 

Keywords: evaluation, planning, management, leadership, survey modernization, data modernization, change management

The EEOC administers the EEO-1 data collection, an annual survey of private employers and federal contractors, that collects data on race, ethnicity and sex by job category. The EEOC is currently undergoing a major modernization for the survey. From a technical perspective, this effort consists of evaluating and revamping data collection, reporting and access. Leading this modernization effort also involves establishing a new vision for data collection activities, engaging stakeholders, building coalitions, managing upstream and downstream, as well as identifying project deliverables, milestones and metrics for success. Managing the change associated with data modernization is essential to ensure that timely, relevant, high quality data are ultimately available. This presentation will outline opportunities and challenges to overhaul the EEO-1 data collection- such as improving statistical rigor, enhancing use of survey data in support of the EEOC mission. It will also describe strategies and the key inputs, processes, outcomes, and outputs associated with leading and managing changes in data systems for an organization.