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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
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Activity Details
Thu, 8/11/2022,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Applications of Statistical Measurement to a Range of Social Issues: From Cost of Living to Social Unrest — Contributed Papers
Social Statistics Section
Chair(s): Maria Geraldine E. Baggs, Abbott
8:35 AM
A Spatial Unified Price Index
Adam Christopher Hall, US Census Bureau
8:50 AM
Who's Afraid of Data? Lessons from the Field in Myanmar
Nimai Mehta, American University; Mary Gray, American University
9:05 AM
Partial Association Between Mixed Data: Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on College Student Well-Being
Shaobo Li, University of Kansas; Zhaohu Fan, University of Cincinnati; Dungang Liu, University of Cincinnati; Ivy Liu, Victoria University of Wellington; Philip S. Morrison, Victoria University of Wellington
9:20 AM
Empathetic Data Science Practice: Towards Community-Led Statistics for Stronger Science
Claire Macnamara Morton, Stanford University
9:35 AM
Analysis of the Impact of Secondary Source Data on the CPI’s Gasoline Standard Errors
Jenny FitzGerald, Bureau of Labor Statistics
9:50 AM
Floor Discussion