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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center   M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

65 * ! Sun, 8/7/2022, 4:00 PM - 5:50 PM CC-204A
Computational Challenges in Software and Algorithms — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistical Computing
Chair(s): Kaiqiong Zhao, University of Alberta
4:05 PM Writing R Extensions in Rust
David B. Dahl, Brigham Young University
4:20 PM Simplified Simulations with the Simitation Package for R
David Shilane, Columbia University
4:35 PM Multimultiv, a Package for Parameter Estimation of Multi-Level Multivariate Data
Michael Terry Anderson, University of Texas at San Antonio; Anuradha Roy, University of Texas at San Antonio
4:50 PM Machine Learning for Multivariate Time Series with the R Package Mlmts
Ángel López-Oriona, University of A Coruña; José A. Vilar, University of A Coruña
5:05 PM NeuCA: A Neural Network-Based Cell Annotation Method with Web-App and GUI
Ziyi Li, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center; Hao Feng, Case Western Reserve University
5:20 PM CUR Algorithm for Data Analysis
Kathryn Linehan, University of Virginia, Biocomplexity Institute, Social and Decision Analytics Division; Radu Balan, University of Maryland, Dept of Mathematics & Center for Sci Computation and Math Modeling
5:35 PM Floor Discussion