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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center   M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
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Activity Details

110 Mon, 8/8/2022, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-204A
Census Data — Contributed Papers
Government Statistics Section
Chair(s): Stephen Campbell, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
8:35 AM Profiling 2020 Census Mailings That Were Returned with Undeliverable as Addressed Status
Aliza Kwiat, US Census Bureau; Cliff Loudermilk, US Census Bureau
8:50 AM Compiling, Enumerating, and Estimating: Evaluating the 2020 Administrative Records Repository
Jennifer M. Ortman, US Census Bureau; Kevin M. Shaw, US Census Bureau; Rajini L. Kotha, US Census Bureau; John L. Boies, US Census Bureau
9:05 AM Primary Sampling Unit Stratification for the Current Population Survey
Brian Shaffer, U.S. Census Bureau; Tim Trudell, U.S. Census Bureau; Yarissa Gonzalez, U.S. Census Bureau
9:20 AM Operationalizing Previously Reported Data on the 2022 Census of Agriculture
Gavin Corral, USDA NASS
9:35 AM Sample Design Research in the Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll in the Government Surveys of the U.S. Census Bureau
Peter Schilling, US Census Bureau; Bac Tran, US Census Bureau
9:50 AM Retrospective Analysis of Contact-Strategy Assignment Definition in the 2020 Census
Mark Fulginiti, U.S. Census Bureau
10:05 AM Survival Analysis Under Differential Ascertainment of Event Times Using Linked Historic Census Data
Arielle K Marks-Anglin, Mathematica Inc.