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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center   M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
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Activity Details

362 * Wed, 8/10/2022, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-149AB
Causal Inference for Undergraduates: Teaching Correlation Does Not Imply Students Understand Causal Inference — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics and Data Science Education, Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences, ASA-MAA Joint Committee on Undergraduate Statistics, Caucus for Women in Statistics
Organizer(s): Kelly McConville, Harvard University
Chair(s): Kelly McConville, Harvard University
8:35 AM Covariate Balance as Paramount to Causal Inference
Kari Lock Morgan, Penn State University
9:00 AM Ideas, Challenges, and Opportunities to Develop Causal Thinking in Undergraduate Statistics
Kevin Cummiskey, West Point
9:25 AM Causal Inference Throughout the Statistics Curriculum
Leslie Myint, Macalester College
9:50 AM Discussant: Jeff Witmer, Oberlin College
10:15 AM Floor Discussion
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