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CC = Walter E. Washington Convention Center   M = Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

9 * ! Sun, 8/7/2022, 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM CC-207B
Challenges in the Analysis of Spatially Resolved Cell Imaging Data — Invited Papers
WNAR, Biometrics Section, ENAR
Organizer(s): Debashis Ghosh, Colorado School of Public Health
Chair(s): Debashis Ghosh, Colorado School of Public Health
2:05 PM Spatial Heterogeneity and Interactions in Pathology Images of Tumor Microenvironment
Inna Chervoneva, Thomas Jefferson University
2:35 PM Bioconductor Infrastructure for Analyzing Multiplex Single Cell Imaging Data in R
Julia Wrobel, Colorado School of Public Health
3:05 PM Cell Normalization and Phenotyping for Multiplexed Single-Cell Imaging
Simon N Vandekar, Vanderbilt University Medical Center; Coleman R Harris, Vanderbilt University; Jiangmei Ruby Xiong, Vanderbilt University
3:35 PM Floor Discussion
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