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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 541 - Bayesian Design in Clinical Trial and Some Challenging Issues
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Thursday, August 11, 2022 : 10:30 AM to 12:20 PM
Sponsor: Section on Bayesian Statistical Science
Abstract #323353
Title: Perceived Barriers and Educational Preferences Among Medical Researchers Involved in Drug Development
Author(s): Jennifer Clark* and BSWG Medical Outreach Subteam
Companies: FDA and DIA

The clinical trials community has been hesitant to adopt Bayesian statistical methods. We aimed to identify self-reported barriers to implementing Bayesian methods and preferences for becoming comfortable with them.

We developed a 22-question survey submitted to medical researchers (non-statisticians) from industry, academia, and regulatory agencies. Question areas included demographics, experience, comfort levels with Bayesian analyses, perceived barriers to these analyses, and preferences for increasing familiarity with Bayesian methods.

Based on these survey results, we recommend that introductory level training on Bayesian statistics be presented in an in-person workshop that could also be broadcast online with live Q&A. Other approaches such as online training or collaborative projects may be better suited for higher level trainings where instructors may assume a baseline understanding of Bayesian statistics. Increased coverage of Bayesian methods at medical conferences and medical school trainings would help improve comfort and overcome the substantial knowledge barriers medical researchers face when implementing these methods.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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