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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 20 - Applications of Text Analysis
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Sunday, August 7, 2022 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Text Analysis Interest Group
Abstract #320864
Title: Text Mining and Music Mining
Author(s): Qiuyi Wu*
Companies: University of Rochester

In this study, we propose and develop the novel idea of treating musical sheets as literary documents in the traditional text analytics parlance, to fully benefit from the vast amount of research already existing in statistical text mining and topic modeling. We specifically introduce the idea of representing any given piece of music as a collection of "musical words" that we codenamed "muselets", which are essentially musical words of various lengths. Given the novelty and therefore the difficulty of properly forming a complete version of a dictionary of muselets, the present paper focuses on a simpler albeit naive version of the ultimate dictionary, which we refer to as a Naive Dictionary because of the fact that all the words are of the same length. We specifically herein construct a naive dictionary featuring a corpus made up of different genres of music, on which we perform both topic modeling and pattern recognition.

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