Many contemporary studies use individual genomic profiles for early prediction of cancer outcomes, such as cancer subtypes and survivals. Current approaches base prediction using only biomarkers that are strongly correlated with the outcome. The connection structures of the genome are ignored in such marginal approaches. Many genetic biomarkers, despite having marginally weak effects, may exude strong predictive effects once considered together with their connected markers. Such signals are not detectable by themselves. In order to find them, the inter-feature connectomic structure has to be explored first. However, identifying the untralhigh-dimensional connectomic structure is computational prohibitive. This is also an impediment for detecting weak signals.
In this work, we develop a novel statistical/machine-learning algorithm for detecting connectomic genomic networks for lung cancer prediction. By detecting and integrating the connectomic structures of the genome and weak signals, accuracy of prediction can be significantly improved. The identified network or pathway signatures will also enhance our understanding on the mechanisms of cancer development and progression.