The spsurvey R package can be used to select and analyze spatially balanced probability samples. Using the GRTS algorithm, users can select these spatially balanced samples for point networks (finite population; e.g. lakes), linear networks (infinite population; e.g. rivers and streams), and areal networks (infinite population; e.g. area of wetlands). Users can then analyze these samples using estimators that incorporate spatial information to improve precision. Though spsurvey has been available on CRAN for roughly 15 years, the package has recently undergone some substantial updates. We cover some of these updates, including 1) updated syntax, 2) updated summaries and visualizations, 3) accommodating legacy (historical) sites, 4) accommodating minimum distance between sites, 5) replacement site selection, and 6) new analysis options. We then highlight the benefits of these updates using a real-time demonstration of the new R code. We end by providing additional resources that further detail the new version of the spsurvey R package.