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Abstract Details

Activity Number:
218784 - Essential Collaboration Skills (ADDED FEE)
Type: Professional Development
Date/Time: Saturday, July 27, 2019 : 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Sponsor: ASA
Abstract #308069
Title: Essential Collaboration Skills (ADDED FEE)
Author(s): Eric Vance* and Heather S Smith*
Companies: Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and LISA-University of Colorado Boulder

Statisticians and data scientists often have the opportunity to collaborate with domain experts from many different fields in academia, business, and government. Learning more effective collaboration skills will enable us to maximize our professional impact in these areas. In this workshop, participants will learn and practice essential skills that will enable them to improve their collaborations with domain experts and add more value to their projects, customers, and organizations. We will introduce the ASCCR framework we find useful for guiding and improving collaborations. This framework describes our current best practices for five aspects of statistical consulting and collaboration (Attitude-Structure-Content-Communication-Relationship). Specifically, participants will learn how to:

* establish foundational Attitudes that lead to more effective collaborations * implement the POWER Structure for conducting effective meetings * apply our Q1Q2Q3 approach to the Content of statistical consultations and collaborations * communicate more effectively with non-statisticians, using our Triangle of Statistical Communication * adopt practical strategies to strengthen Relationships with domain experts.

Participants will practice their newly acquired skills and improve their proficiency with these skills by participating in role-plays, video coaching and feedback sessions, and reflection exercises. In sum, participants will learn and practice how to more effectively collaborate, allowing them to have greater impact in their roles as statisticians and data scientists.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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