CC = Vancouver Convention Centre
F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Wed, 8/1/2018,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-West Hall B
Contributed Poster Presentations: Section on Statistics in Epidemiology — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistics in Epidemiology
Chair(s): Paul McNicholas, McMaster University
Behaviors and Exposures Associated with Pathogen Carriage at a Large Community Gathering
Ruby Bayliss, St. Catherine University ; Meghan Mason, St. Catherine University; Bozena Morawski, University of Minnesota; James Johnson, University of Miinesota; Connie Clabots, Minneapolis VA Health Care System
Propensity Score Methods for Merging Observational and Experimental Data Sets
Evan Taylor Ragosa Rosenman, Stanford University ; Art Owen, Stanford University; Michael Baiocchi, Stanford University
False Positives and Population Stratification
Renfang Jiang, Michigan Tech University ; Jianping Dong, Michigan Technological Universityu
Distance-Weighted Predictor Models to Estimate the Spatial Scale of Built Environment Health Effects
Adam Peterson, University of Michigan ; Brisa N. Sanchez, University of Michigan; Emma V Sanchez-Vaznaugh, San Francisco State University
Pairwise Comparisons for Ethnic Race Disparity in Reporting Sexually Transmitted Disease Among U.S. Male and Female Active Duty Military Members
Tzu-Cheg Kao, Uniformed Services University ; Brian Agan, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences; Yu-Han Cheng, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences; Eric Garges, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
A Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model to Estimate Declines in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis DNA Burden from Viable Bacteria During Tuberculosis Treatment
Camille Moore, National Jewish Health ; Nicholas Walter, University of Colorado Denver
Reliability-Adjusted Composite Measures for the Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)
Mathew Sapiano, CDC ; Jonathan R Edwards, Center for Disease Control & Prevention
Estimating the Causal Effect of Antidepressant Use on Time-To-Dementia for Incident MCI Patients Using Marginal Structural Fine-Gray Model
Ran Duan, University of Kentucky ; Erin L Abner, University of Kentucky; Daniela Moga, University of Kentucky
Modeling the Progression of HIV/AIDS by a Hidden Markov Model(HMM)
Sanam Sanei, Penn State ; Shanglun Li, Penn State; Le Le Bao, Penn State University
Deriving and Validating New "Outcome" Variables in Patient Reported Epidemiological Data
Futoshi Yumoto, Resonate ; Rochelle Tractenberg, Georgetown University
State-, County-, and Individual-Level Factors Associated with Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Adults Based on a Multilevel Modeling Approach, BRFSS 2015
Alissa O'Halloran, CDC ; Pengjun Lu, CDC/NCIRD/ISD/AB; Anup Srivastav, Leidos; David Yankey, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Walter Williams, CDC; James Singleton , CDC
Using Twin Study Data to Identify Causal Effects Under Latent Confounding
Yige Li, Harvard School of Public Health ; Zhichao Jiang, Princeton University; Zhi Geng, Peking University
Catalyst: Agents of Change -- Comparing Compartment and Agent-Based Models
Shannon Gallagher
On Causal Inference in the Presence of Limited Overlap
Tingting Zhou, University of Michigan ; Michael Elliott, University of Michigan; Roderick J Little, University of Michigan
The Impact of Analysis Method and Model Specification for Handling Missing Covariate Data in Survival Analysis: a Case Study
Evon Okidi, Brown University ; Joseph W Hogan, Brown University School of Public Health; Chanelle Howe, Brown University
Ggdag and Confoundr: R Packages for Causal Inference with DAGs and Data
Malcolm Barrett
Estimation of HIV Prevalence and Covariance within High Risk Groups with Bayesian hierarchical modeling
Amy Zhang, Pennsylvania State University ; Le Bao, Pennsylvania State University
Influence of Highly Correlated Cross-Basis Functions in the Distributed Lag Nonlinear Model
Lung-Chang Chien, University of Nevada, Las Vegas ; Yunqi Vicky Liao, University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHealth) School of Public Health at Houston; Michael Swartz, University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHealth) School of Public Health at Houston; Kristina Whitworth, University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHealth) School of Public Health at Houston
Mediation with Latent Variables
Joshua Sampson, National Cancer Institute ; Andriy Derkach, National Cancer Institute; Ruth Pfeiffer , National Cancer Institute
Quantifying Geographic Regions of Excess Stillbirth Risk in the Presence of Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity
David Zahrieh, Mayo Clinic Rochester ; Jacob J Oleson, The University of Iowa; Paul A Romitti, The University of Iowa
Exploring Treatment Heterogeneity Using Propensity Scores
Maozhu Dai, University of California, Irvine ; Hal Stern, University of California, Irvine
Representativeness of the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems National Database
Jessica McKinney Ketchum, Craig Hospital
Bias Analysis of Current Approaches to Estimating Combined Population Attributable Risk for Multiple Risk Factors
Yibing Ruan, Alberta Health Services ; Stephen D. Walter, McMaster University; Darren R. Brenner, Alberta Health Services; Christine M. Friedenreich, Alberta Health Services; on behalf of ComPARe Study Team, Alberta Health Services