CC = Vancouver Convention Centre
F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Sun, 7/29/2018,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
CC-West 223
Recent Advances in Statistical Methods for Genome-Wide Association Studies — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics , SSC
Chair(s): Josh Barback, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health
2:05 PM
Brawn and Brains: a Robust and Powerful Approach to X-Inclusive Whole-Genome Association Studies
Bo Chen, University of Toronto ; Lei Sun, University of Toronto; Radu V Craiu, University of Toronto
2:20 PM
Literature-Guided Integration of Multiple GWAS Results Using Graph-GPA and DDNet
Dongjun Chung, Medical University of South Carolina ; Hang J. Kim, University of Cincinnati; Zhenning Yu, Medical University of South Carolina; Andrew B Lawson, Medical University of South Carolina ; Hongyu Zhao, Yale
2:35 PM
Cauchy Combination Test: a Powerful Test with Analytic P-Value Calculation Under Arbitrary Dependency Structures
Yaowu Liu, Harvard School of Public Health ; Jun Xie, Purdue University; Xihong Lin, Harvard University
2:50 PM
Leveraging Surrogate Phenotypes to Improve Inference on a Partially Missing Target Phenotype
Zachary McCaw, Harvard School of Public Health ; Xihong Lin, Harvard University
3:05 PM
A Genetic Association Test Robust to Arbitrary Population Structure
Minsun Song, Sookmyung Women's University
3:20 PM
A Model-Based Clustering to Identify Disease-Associated SNPs
Yan Xu, University of Victoria ; Xuekui Zhang, University of Victoria; Weiliang Qiu, Brigham and Women's Hosptial/Harvard Medical School
3:35 PM
Floor Discussion