CC = Vancouver Convention Centre
F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Mon, 7/30/2018,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
CC-West 111
Topics in Statistical Learning — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science
Chair(s): Yutao Liu, Columbia University
2:05 PM
Predicting Disease Incidence with Natural Cubic Splines
Noah Kochanski, Hope College; Yew-Meng Koh, Hope College
2:20 PM
Structure Learning for Phylogenetic Tree with Quantitative Characters
Chaoyu Yu; Mathias Drton, University of Washington
2:35 PM
Greedy Active Learning Algorithm for Logistic Regression Models
Ray-Bing Chen, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan; Hsiang-Ling Hsu, National University of Kaohsiung; Yuan-Chin Ivan Chang, Academia Sinica
2:50 PM
Multilayer Tensor Factorization with Applications to Recommender Systems
Xuan Bi; Annie Qu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Xiaotong Shen, University of Minnesota
3:05 PM
Iterative Quantile Nearest-Neighbors
Karsten Maurer, Miami University
3:20 PM
Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms by Small Sample Size Data
Yan Wang, Field School of Public Health, UCLA; Honghu Liu, UCLA; Jian L Zhang, Kaiser Permanente
3:35 PM
Floor Discussion