CC = Vancouver Convention Centre
F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Thu, 8/2/2018,
10:30 AM -
12:20 PM
CC-West 111
Variable Selection Methods in Statistical Learning — Contributed Papers
Section on Statistical Learning and Data Science, SSC
Chair(s): Hyung Park, Columbia University
10:35 AM
Variables and Interactions Generation for Logistic Regression Model via TreeNet and Association Rules
Pannapa Changpetch
10:50 AM
Estimating the Error Variance in a High-Dimensional Linear Model
Guo Yu, Cornell University; Jacob Bien, University of Southern California
11:05 AM
Cmenet: a New Method for Bi-Level Variable Selection of Conditional Main Effects
Simon Mak, Georgia Institute of Technology; C. F. Jeff Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology
11:20 AM
Subsampling for Feature Selection in Large Regression Data
Yiying Fan, Cleveland State University
11:35 AM
Semi-Supervised Learning for Joint Association and Classification Analysis of Multimodal Data
Yunfeng Zhang, Texas A&M University; Irina Gaynanova, Texas A&M Univeristy
12:05 PM
Floor Discussion