CC = Vancouver Convention Centre
F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Sun, 7/29/2018,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
CC-West 223
Hypothesis Testing: Bayesian, Nonparametric and Likelihood Methods — Contributed Papers
International Chinese Statistical Association
Chair(s): Yin Xia, Fudan University
4:05 PM
Envelope-Based Sparse Partial Least Squares
Guangyu Zhu, University of British Columbia ; Zhihua Su, University of Florida
4:20 PM
Q-Value and Its Application in Dynamic Safety Monitoring
Hal Li, Merck Research Laboratories ; William Wang, Merck Research Laboratories
4:35 PM
Optimal Designs for Comparison of Response Surfaces
Mong-Na Lo Huang, National Sun Yat-Sen University ; Tzu-Lung Yuan, National Sun Yat-sen University; Chi-Hsiang Chu, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
4:50 PM
A Comparison of Tests for Inflated Zeros for Poisson Regression Models
Yi Tang
5:05 PM
Budget-Constrained Group Testing Designs for Prevalence Estimation
Shih-Hao Huang, Academia Sinica
5:20 PM
A Score Test for Latent Class in Left-Censored Data Due to Detection Limit
Hua He ; Wan Tang, School of Public Health and Tropic Medicine, Tulane Univeristy
5:35 PM
A Pooling Strategy to Effectively Use Genotype Data in Quantitative Traits Genome-Wide Association Studies
Wei Zhang, BBB/DIPHR/NICHD ; Aiyi Liu, BBB/DIPHR/NICHD; Paul S Albert, National Cancer Institute; Robert D Ashmead, Center for Statistical Research and Methodology, U.S. Census Bureau; Enrique F Schisterman, BBB/DIPHR/NICHD ; James L Mills, BBB/DIPHR/NICHD