CC = Vancouver Convention Centre
F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
563 * !
Wed, 8/1/2018,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
CC-West 206/207
Mechanisms of Interference: New Strategies for Identification and Estimation — Invited Papers
Social Statistics Section, Statistics and Public Policy, IMS, SSC
Organizer(s): Forrest W Crawford, Yale School of Public Health; Fredrik Sävje, Yale University
Chair(s): Jasjeet Sekhon, UC Berkeley
2:05 PM
Identification and Estimation of Treatment and Interference Effects in Observational Studies on Networks
Laura Forastiere, Yale; Edoardo M Airoldi , Harvard University
2:25 PM
Causal Inference Under Unmodeled and All-Encompassing Interference
Fredrik Sävje, Yale University
2:45 PM
Exact Conditional Randomization Tests for Causal Effects Under Interference
Panagiotis Toulis, University of Chicago; Avi Feller, UC Berkeley; Guillaume Basse, Harvard University
3:05 PM
Estimation of Contagion Effects in Households and Other Networks
Forrest W Crawford, Yale School of Public Health; Wen Wei Loh, Ghent University
3:25 PM
Discussant: David Choi, Carnegie Mellon University
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion