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CC = Vancouver Convention Centre   F = Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

322 * ! Tue, 7/31/2018, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-West 109
Data-Driven Patient Management in the Era of Precision Medicine - from Discovery, Diagnostics, to Therapeutics — Invited Papers
Council of Chapters, Biopharmaceutical Section, Section on Medical Devices and Diagnostics, SSC
Organizer(s): Ruixiao Lu, Genomic Health, Inc.
Chair(s): Li Zhang, UCSF School of Medicine, UCSF
10:35 AM Big Data Analysis Points Toward New Cancer Therapeutic Discovery Approach
Bin Chen, UCSF
11:00 AM Using Genomic Features to Make Smart Clinical Decisions: The Power of Machine Learning with RNA-Seq
Jing Huang, Veracyte Inc; Su yeon Kim , Veracyte Inc; Yangyang Hao, Veracyte Inc; Jing Lu, Veracyte Inc; Joshua Babiarz, Veracyte Inc; Sean Walsh, Veracyte Inc; Giulia Kennedy, Veracyte Inc
11:25 AM Developing Genomic Biomarker to Guide Personalized Patient Management in Oncology: Validity and Utility of Clinical Diagnostic Applications

Michael Crager, Genomic Health; Ruixiao Lu, Genomic Health, Inc.
11:50 AM Biomarker-Defined Subgroup Selection Adaptive Design for Phase III Confirmatory Trial

Rui Tang, Shire; Xiaoye Ma, University of Minnesota; Hui Yang, Amgen Inc.
12:15 PM Floor Discussion