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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 85 - SPEED: An Ensemble of Advances in Genomics and Genetics
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Sunday, July 29, 2018 : 5:05 PM to 5:50 PM
Sponsor: SSC
Abstract #332704
Title: On Using Gene Genealogies to Find Trait-Influencing Variants
Author(s): Payman Nickchi* and Jinko Graham
Companies: Simon Fraser University and Simon Fraser University
Keywords: Coalescent; ancestral tree; msprime software; Population genetics; Phenotype and ancestral-tree association; distance matrices

In this study, we use msprime software for coalescent simulation of large-scale DNA-sequence variation, to generate the ancestry of genetic sequences sampled from the population. We also generate some hypothetical phenotypes for individuals carrying these sequences by using additive trait models. The resulting phenotypes can be associated to the ancestral trees in various ways to check if we can identify the genomic regions harboring trait variants. We compare our results from associating phenotypes and ancestral trees to results from standard single-variant approaches that associate phenotypes to genotypes, such as Fisher's exact test.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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