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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 4 - Transparency, Reproducibility and Replicability in Work with Social and Economic Data
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Sunday, July 29, 2018 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Government Statistics Section
Abstract #326704 Presentation 1 Presentation 2
Title: Enhancement of Transparency, Reproducibility, and Replicability in the Integration of Multiple Data Sources
Author(s): John L. Eltinge*
Companies: United States Census Bureau
Keywords: administrative and commercial record data; communication and public confidence; complex supply chains for statistical information sources; non-designed and organic data; total survey error model; use value and option value of public goods

Many government statistical agencies, and other large-scale statistical organization, are moving from a paradigm based primarily on sample surveys, to one centered on integration of data from multiple sources, including surveys; administrative and commercial records; and passive data collection. For that work, practical development, implementation and evaluation of high-quality methodology will require in-depth assessment of a wide range of issues related to transparency, reproducibility and replicability (TRR). This paper explores some of these issues, with emphasis on four main topics:

(1) practical evaluation of the profiles of quality, risk, cost and stakeholder value attributed to a given set of statistical information products and services;

(2) development of an operational definition of TRR aligned with the profiles identified in (1);

(3) use of TRR to enhance realistic decisions about integration of multiple data sources within resource-constrained environments; and

(4) broader contributions of TRR to strengthen public confidence in, and institutional credibility of, statistical organizations.

Authors who are presenting talks have a * after their name.

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