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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 222 - New Advances in Statistical Methods for Complex Data
Type: Invited
Date/Time: Monday, July 30, 2018 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Section on Risk Analysis
Abstract #326468 Presentation
Title: Regression Analysis of Mixed Recurrent Event and Panel Count Data
Author(s): (Tony) Jianguo Sun*
Companies: University of Missouri
Keywords: Event history study; Panel count data; Recurrent event data

Event history studies occur in many fields including economics, medical studies, and social science. In such studies concerning some recurrent events, two types of data have been extensively discussed in the literature. One is recurrent event data that arise if study subjects are monitored or observed continuously. In this case, the observed information provides the times of all occurrences of the recurrent events of interest. The other is panel count data, which occur if the subjects are monitored or observed only periodically. This can happen if the continuous observation is too expensive or not practical, and in this case, only the numbers of occurrences of the events between subsequent observation times are available. In this talk, we discuss a third type of data, a mixture of recurrent event and panel count data and present an estimating equation-based approach for regression analysis of the data.

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