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Sessions Were Renumbered as of May 19.

CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building,   CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago,   UC= Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

660 * ! Thu, 8/4/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-W184a
Deep Dive: Exploring Testing Procedures in the Biopharmaceutical Statistician's Toolbox — Contributed Papers
Biopharmaceutical Section , Royal Statistical Society
Chair(s): Thomas Kelleher, Bristol-Myers Squibb
8:35 AM Efficient Study Designs in Clinical Research Steven Julious, University of Sheffield
8:50 AM Statistical Testing in the Presence of Nonproportional Hazards Amarjot Kaur, Merck ; Yabing Mai, Merck Research Laboratories ; Ziliang Li, MRL ; Xia Xu, MRL ; Wen-Chi Wu, MRL
9:05 AM The Impact of Sensitivity and Specificity of Case Definition on Vaccine Efficacy Trial Design Xiaohua Sheng, Sanofi Pasteur ; Steven Self, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center ; Ehab Bassily, Sanofi Pasteur ; Joshua Chen, Sanofi Pasteur
9:20 AM Evaluation of Logistic and Cox Regression Models Using Simulated Survival Data and Clinical Practice Research Datalink Jessica Kim , FDA ; Chenyi Pan, University of Virginia ; Clara Y. Kim, FDA/CDER ; Esther Zhou, FDA/CDER
9:35 AM Challenges in Disease Prevention Studies That Utilize Continuous Diagnostic Endpoints Norman Bohidar, Johnson & Johnson ; George Capuano, Johnson & Johnson
9:50 AM Why the Likelihood Ratio Test Is Inappropriate to Test Dose-Response and Sharing of Information Among Antibody Therapies for Dose Selection Russell Reeve, Quintiles
10:05 AM Asymmetric Margins for Equivalence Tests Somesh Chattopadhyay
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