Sessions Were Renumbered as of May 19.
CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building,
CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago,
UC = Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
Mon, 8/1/2016,
3:05 PM -
3:50 PM
CC-Hall F1 West
SPEED: Statistical Computing and Sports, Part 2B — Contributed Poster Presentations
Section on Statistical Computing , Section on Statistics in Sports
Chair(s): Genevera Allen, Rice University
The oral portion will take place during Session 213157
An Adaptive Importance Sampling Approach for Efficiently Estimating Small P-Values in Permutation Tests
Yang Shi, University of Michigan ; Huining Kang, University of New Mexico ; Ji-Hyun Lee, University of New Mexico ; Hui Jiang, University of Michigan
Estimating Dynamic Characteristics of Longitudinal and Survival Data in Stochastic Process Models: Insights from Simulation Studies
Konstantin Arbeev, Duke University ; Ilya Y. Zhbannikov, Duke University ; Liubov S. Arbeeva, Duke University ; Igor Akushevich, Duke University ; Anatoliy I. Yashin, Duke University
An Efficient Sampling Algorithm for Network Motif Detection
Yinghan Chen
A Fast Two-Stage Anomaly-Detecting Method for Large Dynamic Networks
Huan Li, University of Alabama ; Michael D. Porter, University of Alabama
Comparison of Single Event, Competing Risks, and Frailty-Based Models for Competing Risks Data
Yuliang Liu, University of Alabama at Birmingham ; Charity Morgan, University of Alabama at Birmingham ; Gary R. Cutter, University of Alabama at Birmingham
More Efficient and Robust Permutation-Based Methods for Controlling the False Discovery Rate
Divya Nair ; Christopher Corcoran, Utah State University ; Pralay Senchaudhuri, Cytel ; Alexandre Buer, Cytel ; William Welbourn, Jr., Clinipace Worldwide
The Elliptically Symmetric Angular Gaussian Distribution with Application to Regression Modeling on the Sphere
Phillip Paine, University of Nottingham
The Orthogonally Partitioned EM Algorithm: Extending the EM Algorithm for Algorithmic Stability and Bias Correction Due to Imperfect Data
Michael Regier, West Virginia University ; Erica E. M. Moodie, McGill University