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H = Hilton Chicago,   UC= Conference Chicago at University Center
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Activity Details

492 Wed, 8/3/2016, 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM CC-W183b
SPEED: Advances in Survey Research Methodology — Contributed Speed
Survey Research Methods Section , Statistics Without Borders
Chair(s): Zachary Seeskin, NORC at the University of Chicago
The Poster portions will take place during Session 213227 and Session 213228
8:35 AM Pilot Surveys of Shore Fishing on Oahu, Hawaii Hongguang Ma, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center ; Tom Ogawa, Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources ; Jay Breidt, Colorado State University ; Virginia Lesser, Oregon State University ; Jean Opsomer ; Tom Sminkey, NOAA Fisheries ; Christopher Hawkins, Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council ; April Bagwill, NOAA Fisheries/ECS Federal ; David Van Voorhees, NOAA Fisheries
8:40 AM How Can a Clothing Price Index Be Enhanced? Statistics Canada's Recent Experience Krista MacIsaac, Statistics Canada ; Jean-Sébastien Provençal, Statistics Canada
8:45 AM Accuracy in Effect Size Estimation for IID Observations Francis Bilson Darku, The University of Texas at Dallas ; Ken Kelly, Mendoza College of Business ; Bhargab Chattopadhay, The University of Texas at Dallas
8:50 AM Sampling with Minimal Strata Sample Size Requirements Stanislav Kolenikov, Abt SRBI ; Igor Griva, George Mason University
8:55 AM Predicting and Preventing Break-Offs in Web Surveys Felicitas Mittereder, University of Michigan
9:00 AM Assessing the Reliability of Conversational Interviewing William Mockovak, Bureau of Labor Statistics
9:05 AM Using official surveys to reduce bias of estimates from nonrandom samples collected by web surveys Vladislav Beresovsky, CDC/NCHS ; Alan Dorfman, CDC/NCHS ; Pavlina Rumcheva, CDC/NCHS
9:10 AM Calibration of Design Weights Using a Power Transformation Sarjinder Singh, Texas A&M University - Kingsville ; Veronica Salinas, Texas A&M University - Kingsville ; Stephen Sedory, Texas A&M University - Kingsville
9:15 AM Calibration Weighting for Nonresponse with Proxy Frame Variables (So that Unit Nonresponse CanBe Missing Not at Random) Phil Kott, RTI International
9:30 AM Alternate Methods for Constructing BRR Weights with National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Single-Year Samples Te-Ching Chen, CDC/NCHS ; Jennifer Parker, CDC/NCHS
9:35 AM Generating Correlated Synthetic Binary Indicators of Radio Listening Behavior for Long-Term Projections Yanna Yan, University of Michigan ; Michael Elliott, University of Michigan ; Brady West, University of Michigan ; William Waldron, Nielsen
9:40 AM Access and Explore NCES Survey and Administrative Data Through Self-Guided Online Training Modules Andrew A. White, National Center for Education Statistics
9:45 AM A Composite Likelihood Approach in Testing for Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium Using Family-Based Genetic Survey Data Lingxiao Wang, Joint Program in Survey Methodology ; Barry Graubard, National Cancer Institute ; Yan Li, Joint Program in Survey Methodology
9:50 AM Extension of the Peters-Belson Method to Estimate Health Disparities Among Multiple Groups Using Logistic Regression with Survey Data Yan Li, Joint Program in Survey Methodology ; Barry Graubard, National Cancer Institute ; Pengyu Huang, Fors Marsh Group ; Joseph L. Gastwirth, The George Washington University
9:55 AM Regression Models and Tests for Recruitment Dynamics in Respondent-Driven Sampling Li Zeng, Yale University ; Forrest Crawford, Yale University ; Jianghong Li, Yale University
10:00 AM A Comparison Between Standard Regression and Multilevel Modeling Techniques to Analyze Complex Survey Data Based on the Monte Carlo Simulation Study Alomgir Hossain, University of Ottawa Heart Institute ; George Wells, University of Ottawa Heart Institute ; Punam Pahwa, University of Saskatchewan
10:05 AM Ranking Question Design and Data Analysis Chia-Ling Kuo, University of Connecticut Health Center ; Jessica Hoag, University of Connecticut Health Center
10:10 AM Floor Discussion
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