Sessions Were Renumbered as of May 19.
CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building,
CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago,
UC = Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Activity Details
34 *
Sun, 7/31/2016,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Advances in Analysis of Categorical Data — Contributed Papers
Biometrics Section , Biopharmaceutical Section
Chair(s): Codruta Chiuzan, Columbia University
2:05 PM
A Power Study of the GFfit Statistic as a Lack-of-Fit Diagnostic for Sparse Two-Way Subtables
Junfei Zhu, ASU ; Mark Reiser, Arizona State University ; Silvia Cagnone, University of Bologna
2:20 PM
On the Discovery and Use of Disease Risk Factors with Logistic Regression: New Prostate Cancer Risk Factors
David Booth, Kent State University ; Venugopal Gopapalakrishna-Remani, The University of Texas at Tyler ; Matthew Cooper, Washington University ; Fiona Green, University of Manchester ; Margaret Rayman, University of Surrey
2:35 PM
A Generalized Estimating Equations Framework for the Analysis of Intracellaur Cytokine Staining Data
Amit Meir, University of Washington ; Raphael Gottardo, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center ; Greg Finak, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
2:50 PM
A Latent Variable Poisson Model for Assessing Regularity of Circadian Pattern Over Time
Sung Duk Kim, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development ; Paul Albert, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
3:05 PM
Confidence Intervals for the Difference Between Two Proportions for Correlated Binary Response
Krishna Saha, Central Connecticut State University
3:20 PM
Estimation for Zero-Inflated Over-Dispersed Count Data Model with Ignorable Missing Response
Sudhir Paul, University of Windsor ; Rajibul Mian, University of Windsor
3:35 PM
Sobol Sensitivity Indices Under Generalized Linear Models
Rong Lu, The Ohio State University ; Grzegorz Rempala, The Ohio State University