Legend: CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building, CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago, UC= Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Employer List Linking: Methods, Implementation, and Usage of Probabilistic Matches for Enhancing Workforce Statistics — Topic Contributed Papers
Business and Economic Statistics Section
Organizer(s): Mark J. Kutzbach, U.S. Census Bureau
Chair(s): Lars Vilhuber, Cornell University
2:05 PM
Robustness of Employer List Linking to Methodological Variation
Mark J. Kutzbach, U.S. Census Bureau ; Graton Gathright, U.S. Census Bureau ; Andrew Green, U.S. Census Bureau/Cornell University ; Kristin McCue, U.S. Census Bureau ; Holly Monti, U.S. Census Bureau ; Ann Rodgers, University of Michigan ; Lars Vilhuber, Cornell University ; Nada Wasi, University of Michigan ; Christopher Wignall, Amazon.com
Developing Job Linkages for the Health and Retirement Study
Kristin McCue, U.S. Census Bureau ; John M. Abowd, U.S. Census Bureau/Cornell University ; Margaret Levenstein, University of Michigan ; Matthew Shapiro, University of Michigan ; Ann Rodgers, University of Michigan ; Nada Wasi, University of Michigan ; Dhiren Patki, University of Michigan