Sessions Were Renumbered as of May 19.
CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building,
CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago,
UC = Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
302 * !
Tue, 8/2/2016,
8:30 AM -
10:20 AM
Advanced Statistical Methods for High-Dimensional Microbiome Data Analysis — Topic Contributed Papers
Biometrics Section , Biopharmaceutical Section
Organizer(s): yilong zhang, New York University Langone Medical Center
Chair(s): Huilin Li , New York University Langone Medical Center
8:35 AM
Kernel-Based Association Test in Microbiome-Profiling Studies with Multivariate Outcomes
Xiang Zhan, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
8:55 AM
A Model for Paired-Multinomial Data and Its Application to Analysis of Data on a Taxonomic Tree
Pixu Shi ; Hongzhe Li, University of Pennsylvania
9:15 AM
Microbial Dynamical Systems INference Engine (MDSINE)
Georg Gerber, Harvard Medical School ; Vanni Bucci, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth ; Belinda Tzen, Harvard Medical School
9:35 AM
MiCAM: A Powerful Microbial Association Test and Its Comprehensive Mapping Capability
Hyunwook Koh, New York University ; Martin J. Blaser, New York University ; Huilin Li , New York University Langone Medical Center
9:55 AM
Learning the Structure of Biological Networks
Richard Bonneau, New York University ; Christian Müller, Simons Foundation
10:15 AM
Floor Discussion