Sessions Were Renumbered as of May 19.
CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building,
CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago,
UC = Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
Sun, 7/31/2016,
2:00 PM -
3:50 PM
Bayesian Prediction — Topic Contributed Papers
International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) , Section on Bayesian Statistical Science , International Chinese Statistical Association
Organizer(s): Bertrand Clarke, University of Nebraska
Chair(s): Bertrand Clarke, University of Nebraska
2:05 PM
On the Use of Cauchy Prior Distributions for Bayesian Logistic Regression
Joyee Ghosh, University of Iowa ; Yingbo Li , Clemson University ; Robin Mitra, University of Southampton
2:25 PM
Model Averaging Versus Model Selection
Tri Le, University of Nebraska ; Bertrand Clarke, University of Nebraska
2:45 PM
Efficient Importance Sampling Methods for Estimating Parameters in SGLMMs and Improving Prediction
Vivekananda Roy, Iowa State University
3:05 PM
Advanced Algorithmic Implementations of Bayesian Inference in Cosmology
Jeffrey Jewell, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
3:25 PM
Standard Errors, Solution Paths, and Selection of Tuning Parameters for Bayesian Lassos
Sounak Chakraborty, University of Missouri - Columbia ; Vivekananda Roy, Iowa State University
3:45 PM
Floor Discussion