Sessions Were Renumbered as of May 19.
CC-W = McCormick Place Convention Center, West Building,
CC-N = McCormick Place Convention Center, North Building
H = Hilton Chicago,
UC = Conference Chicago at University Center
* = applied session ! = JSM meeting theme
55 *
Sun, 7/31/2016,
4:00 PM -
5:50 PM
Recent Advances in Sequencing Association Studies and Rare-Variant Analysis for Complex Traits — Invited Papers
Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics
Organizer(s): Seunggeun Lee, University of Michigan
Chair(s): Xiaoquan Wen, University of Michigan
4:05 PM
Sequencing 10,000s of Human Genomes: Early Results, Opportunities, and Statistical Challenges
Gonçalo Abecasis, University of Michigan
4:30 PM
Detecting Signal Regions in Whole-Genome Association Studies
Xihong Lin, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health ; Zilin Li, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
4:55 PM
Improving Power for Rare Variant Tests by Using External Control Samples While Mitigating for Possible Biases
Seunggeun Lee, University of Michigan
5:20 PM
A Spectral Approach for the Integration of Functional Genomics Annotations for Both Coding and Noncoding Sequence Variants
Iuliana Ionita-Laza, Columbia University ; Kenneth McCallum, Columbia University
5:45 PM
Floor Discussion