Professional statistical tools such as R offer power and flexibility for analysis, but can be difficult for novices to master. While efforts have been made to fence R for teaching and learning statistics (OpenIntro, MOSAIC, Mobilize), there is still a high threshold to learning. The other computing paradigm for novices are speciality teaching tools such as applets, TinkerPlots, and Fathom. While speciality tools do not offer the same power and flexibility, they provide visual and intuitive representations of analysis, make it easy to explore data, and provide simple interfaces to parameter manipulation. These features would be useful to data analysts at all levels, but are not found in most professional tools. I will discuss current products pushing the boundary, such as intRo, Data Camp, and targeted Shiny apps and gadgets. I'll also speak to my vision for the future of statistical programming, where the best features from both types of tools are available to all users.