Flipping a classroom has gained interest in our university as well as high schools and universities across the nation. Students were provided in advance with a reading quiz and a worksheet for each class day. For each class, several YouTube videos were recommended for viewing before the class. Towards the end, I only posted one video per concept. All these were freely available on the internet from organizations such as Khan Academy. Small groups of students completed the pre-class assignments in class if they were unable to complete them before the class. Then students did all the homework in class as groups with peer assistance and occasional help from the instructor. I facilitated the environment and helped on individual basis. Reading quizzes and work modules were worth 25% of the grade and in addition, homework, exams, weekly quizzes, computer assignments, 3 lesson plans, and a poster were worth the remaining 75%. Students who valued the self-learning were mostly juniors and seniors. They liked flipping the course until three-fourths of the semester and preferred to be lectured on later topics. Students had mixed feelings about the value of flipping the course. What I did and what I would do and not do next time based on the experience will be discussed in this paper.