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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 62
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Sunday, July 31, 2016 : 4:00 PM to 5:50 PM
Sponsor: Section on Nonparametric Statistics
Abstract #318860 View Presentation
Title: Posterior Contraction of the Population Structure in Admixture Models
Author(s): Long Nguyen*
Keywords: admixtures ; topic models ; latent Dirichlet allocation ; posterior contraction ; convex geometry ; Bayesian asymptotics

We study the posterior contraction behavior of the latent population structure that arises in admixture models as the amount of data increases. We adopt the geometric view of admixture models --- alternatively known as topic models --- as a data generating mechanism for points randomly sampled from the interior of a (convex) population polytope, whose extreme points correspond to the population structure variables of interest. Rates of posterior contraction are established with respect to Hausdorff metric and a minimum matching Euclidean metric defined on polytopes. Tools developed include posterior asymptotics of hierarchical models and arguments from convex geometry. We also present experiments with simulated and real data, which demonstrate the contraction behavior of the posterior distributions obtained by an MCMC algorithm.

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