JSM 2015 Online Program

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Legend: Washington State Convention Center = CC, Sheraton Seattle = S, Grand Hyatt = GH and The Conference Center = TCC
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Activity Details

685 Thu, 8/13/2015, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-307
Bayesian Methodology for Spatial, Temporal, and Functional Data — Contributed Papers
Section on Bayesian Statistical Science , International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) , International Chinese Statistical Association , Section on Statistics and the Environment
Chair(s): Jianghua He, University of Kansas Medical Center
10:35 AM Comparative Study and Sensitivity Analysis of Skewed Spatial Processes Jiangyan Wang, Soochow University ; Miao Yang, Soochow University ; Anandamayee Majumdar, Soochow University
10:50 AM False Discovery Control in Gaussian Models with Misspecified Covariance Ye Liang, Oklahoma State University ; Joshua Habiger, Oklahoma State University ; Xiaoyi Min, Yale School of Public Health
11:05 AM Sequential Analysis and Bayesian Model Emulation for Dynamic Latent Threshold Models Kaoru Irie, Duke University ; Mike West, Duke University
11:20 AM Approximate Bayesian Inference with Pseudo-Likelihood Mike K.P. So, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ; Ray S.W. Chung, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
11:35 AM Bayesian Functional Data Fitting with a Transformed B-Spline Basis Songqiao Huang, University of South Carolina ; David Hitchcock, University of South Carolina
11:50 AM A Probabilistic Model for Simultaneous Changepoints in Multiple Data Sequences Zhou Fan, Stanford University ; Lester Mackey, Stanford University
12:05 PM Floor Discussion

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