JSM 2015 Online Program

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Legend: Washington State Convention Center = CC, Sheraton Seattle = S, Grand Hyatt = GH and The Conference Center = TCC
* = applied session       ! = JSM meeting theme

Activity Details

151 * ! Mon, 8/10/2015, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM CC-609
Better Demographic Forecasts, Better Policy Decisions — Invited Papers
Social Statistics Section , International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) , Section on Bayesian Statistical Science , Scientific and Public Affairs Advisory Committee
Organizer(s): Peter Smith, University of Southampton
Chair(s): Peter Smith, University of Southampton
10:35 AM Population Projections by the United Nations John Wilmoth, United Nations
11:00 AM Probabilistic Population Projections with Migration Uncertainty Adrian Raftery, University of Washington ; Jonathan Azose, University of Washington
11:25 AM From Bayesian Forecasts to Decisions Arkadiusz Wisniowski, ESRC Centre for Population Change ; Jakub Bijak, ESRC Centre for Population Change ; Jonathan J. Forster, ESRC Centre for Population Change
11:50 AM Discussant: Juha Alho, University of Helsinki
12:10 PM Floor Discussion

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