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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 313
Type: Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 : 8:30 AM to 10:20 AM
Sponsor: Section on Bayesian Statistical Science
Abstract #317582 View Presentation
Title: BicMix: A Bayesian Biclustering Model with Application to Differential Gene Networks
Author(s): Chuan Gao* and Shiwen Zhao and Ian C. McDowell and Christopher D. Brown and Barbara Engelhardt
Companies: Duke University and and Duke University and University of Pennsylvania and Princeton University
Keywords: Sparse factor analysis ; Three parameter beta ; Hidden confounding ; Biclustering ; Differential gene network ; Graphical gaussian model

We present a flexible statistical framework for factorizing a high dimensional data matrix into the product of two sparse, low-dimensional matrices. Our model is motivated by Bayesian sparse factor analysis, modified to encourage sparsity in both the loading and factor matrices. The three layer three parameter Beta distribution (TPB) prior used in BicMix has the behavior of the spike-slab prior but the computational tractability of a continuous prior. Motivated by confounding in the data, we model loading and factor matrices as a mixture of sparse and dense components, capturing both sparse signals and experimental confounders. Using a fast variational Expectation Maximization algorithm, we show that our method dominates other Biclustering methods. We applied BicMix to a high dimensional gene expression dataset to extract sparse components, and we show the biological meaning behind the biclusters. Because this model yields a natural solution to estimating sparse covariance matrices, we use model parameters to construct a Markov random field for the genes, and recover gene co-expression networks that are either specific to, or differential across, specific experimental covariates.

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