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Abstract Details

Activity Number: 409
Type: Topic Contributed
Date/Time: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 : 2:00 PM to 3:50 PM
Sponsor: Survey Research Methods Section
Abstract #315511 View Presentation
Title: Implementation of Hot Deck Imputation on Economic Census Products
Author(s): Kevin Tolliver* and Laura Betchel
Companies: Auburn University and U.S. Census Bureau
Keywords: hot deck ; imputation ; census ; survey research ; empirical analysis

Failure to treat missing data in survey or census data may introduce bias in the tabulated totals. The Census Bureau is seeking a common adjustment method for more than 6,000 products collected in the Economic Census. Unlike the general statistics items collected from every eligible establishment such as annual payroll and total receipts, product information varies by establishment and administrative data are not available for substitution or validation. Moreover, product data are characterized by poor item response rates, few available predictors, additivity constraints within establishment, and definitional rules such as mutually exclusive products in some cases and required products in others. Little historic data are available for modeling. Hot deck imputation provides a flexible approach to dealing with missing data that retains multivariate relationships without making explicit parametric model assumptions. Instead, hot deck methods impute missing values using reported values from a similar unit. In this paper, we examine the merits of random and nearest-neighbor hot deck imputation using empirical and simulated data for selected Economic Census products.

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